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BFR-Kongress / #ZWCM2023

>>> hier nachhörbar <<<

02. bis 05.11.2023 |
Radio CORAX | Halle (Saale)

Hello Friends,


The above website tells you not only about the situation of Civil Radio,
a nonprofit community station in Budapest, Hungary – where I have been
working as a volunteer for 10 years now - , but also about the
deteriorating status of small community radio stations in my country.
(It is not consoling that Hungary’s situation is still better than in
other Eastern European countries, where community media sector is not
acknowledged by law.)

Please, forward the above link to your contacts, so that we could
receive a wider moral and financial support.

I close this letter with a short quote I chose from a Hungarian writer,
Frigyes Karinthy to underline our mission in community media when
defending freedom of speech.

„In the tangled silk ball we search for a thread, through which the
ball could be unrolled.
If the chain is inside us, by grabbing any of the chain-links, always
the whole chain starts to move.”
(Translation by Gabor G.)

Kind regards
Gabor Geczi

P:S. Does anyone know Sandra Tang's new e-mail (Freelance
Trainer/Producer community Radio, Newcastle ,UK)? Her old address seem
to be outdated.

30 Jahre BFR

gegründet 11/1993 in Hattingen


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