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hier kommen Intro und Zeitplan der Civilmedia 2011, die vom 14. bis 16. April in Salzburg stattfindet. Demnächst wird auch der erste Programmablauf mit Inhalten bestückt. Die Ausschreibungen für die sechs Themenstränge laufen in den nächsten Tagen aus (einige sind auch schon abgeschlossen). Bisher haben sich auch schon über 70 TeilnehmerInnen angemeldet. Fahrkosten und Übernachtung werden nach wie vor anteilig auf Anfrage übernommen. Noch ist es aber möglich sich inhaltlich zu beteiligen und eigene Projekte, Themen o. ä. zu präsentieren oder Vorschläge zu machen! Im Fokus stehen Bürger- und Alternativmedien. Das Motto lautet in diesem Jahr: "Community Media for Social Change".

Also, wenn ihr noch plant hinzufahren & Euch zu beteiligen, meldet Euch bald! Das Ganze läuft selbstorganisiert über das Wiki oder über die Verantwortlichen der Themenstränge.

Danke & Gruß


-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Civilmedia 11: intro and time frame Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2011 15:08:30 +0100 From: Eva Schmidhuber

*Civilmedia11: Community Media for Social Change: High Impact - Low Threshold*

The effect of Community Media to social action and political climate is the focus of the 5th UnConference “Civilmedia 11″, taking place in Salzburg from April 14th to 16th, 2011.

Community Media have invented “User-Generated Media” decades ago. In contrast to the contemporary trend in commercial media to outsource production of content to “non-professionals” for economic reasons, they also give producers direct responsability in selection, creation and form of their production.

Additionally, Community Media give power to the people in their organizational structures – unthinkable in common economy. It is this synthesis which creates real participation and empowerment and does not degenerate these principles to lip service.

The unique position of Community Media needs to be defended regularly, and has to be adapted to the changing media landscape continually. Especially within a public discourse that connects the right to public funding with the demonstration of benefits to society.

The focus of the 2011 meeting is “practices”: “DIY – Do it Yourself” production, distributed through channels in the internet and on air using modern networked tools. The discourse of quality. Alternative ways of financing and effective advertisement of contents in the local populations. The review of the “Public Value” concept, which originally describes the benefits of public service broadcasting, in the frame of Community Media.

Gain “high impact” with a “low threshold”: the title of “Civilmedia11″ captures the uniqueness of a vital and growing scene.

Welcome to the largest international conference for Community Media in Central Europe.

*Further info and registration:* http://wiki.civilmedia.eu http://civilmedia.eu


This is the general *time frame* for the thematic streams and the open UnConference. The detailled programme will be published approx. 2 weeks before the event.

*Thursday, 14: * Room 1: 9:30 Welcome/Introduction 10 -13:30 Public Value 14:30 – 18 Feminist Media Production II

Room 2: 10 – 13:30 Feminist Media Production I 14:30 – 18 UnConference (Please add your proposals on the wiki).

19:30 Common dinner

*Friday, 15: * Room 1: 10 – 13:30 Democracy and Quality 14:30 – 18 Researching Community Media Audiences

Room 2 and 3: UnConference (Please add your proposals on the wiki)

*Saturday, 16:* Room 1: 10 – 13 Crowdfunding 14 – 17 Cross Media Publishing

Room 2 and 3: UnConference (Please add your proposals on the wiki)


Eva Schmidhuber Programmkoordination/Projekte Radiofabrik - Freier Rundfunk Salzburg Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Straße 5, 5020 Salzburg +43-662-842961-24 www.radiofabrik.at

Civilmedia11: Community Media for Social Change UnConference in Salzburg, April 14 - 16, 2011 http://civilmedia.eu

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