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BFR-Kongress / #ZWCM2024

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31.10. bis 03.11.2024 |
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Future Places Festival - Digital Media and Local Cultures. October, Porto, Portugal.

RADIOFUTURA The official FuturePlaces radio station

October 19-22, 2011

Digital media and local cultures intersect at FuturePlaces in Porto, bringing discussion and pratice to a common table. RadioFutura will once again be the place to find this intersection in the radio space, directly on your receiver at XX.XMHz in Porto or listening online.

This is a call for works to be streamed and broadcast on RadioFutura under the theme “Digital media and local cultures”. We believe the future of radio is Local. Come and participate!

We’re looking for pre-recorded programs of 30 minutes to one hour in length. Alternatively, if you're brave enough, you can broadcast live through streaming on from our temporary studios in the city of Porto.

You can submit any kind of program, as long as it is connected to radio, digital culture and/or local cultures in any way. The moto of FuturePlaces 2011 is Intellectual Property, so here’s a starting point if you need one.


SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSALS TO: radiofutura at radiozero.pt

Deadline for submitting your proposals is: September 30, 2011.

Send your proposals as audio files (or links), with a brief description. If you want to do it live, by webstream or in Porto, please send it has proposal/rough draft and technical rider.

RadioFutura is a joint venture between FuturePlaces and Rádio Zero.

See/hear you in Porto (and in the ether) in October !

best regards,

Ricardo Reis Heitor Alvelos

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30 Jahre BFR

gegründet 11/1993 in Hattingen


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Eine Aufstellung von Soft- und Hardwareprojekten zum Andocken und Nutzen gibt es unter awesome free radios.