Danube Streamwaves Public Relations & Social Media
- Details
- Geschrieben von: Dominic Köstler
Hello again,For our next meeting we will be focusing on the newslettersoftwareMailtrain. How can we use Mailtrain, what do we need and e.g. what are thepros and cons. Afterwards we are moving on with the promotion of Podcastsand new shows. The central question we're debating on is when do we promotewhat.Our meeting will be held on the *27th of January at 6 pm*. The meeting canbe attended under this link: *https://freieradios.collocall.de/dom-hj5-jvp-zw2*Beside the different groups with technical orientation that are alreadygoing on, we would like to bring into being a regular exchange into ourproject „danube streamwaves digital“.GreetingsDominic Köstler-- Dominic Köstler*Radio free FM*gemeinnützige GmbHPlatzgasse 1889073 Ulm0731/ 938 62 Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. 102,6 MHzKabel 97,70 MHz & 93,45 MHzInfo & Livestream www.freefm.de-----------------------------------------------------------------------------25 Jahre Radio free FM*Glückwünsche abzugeben beim digitalen 24h Zuhörer unter **0731-14391355.*